How do you explain to a vomiting child that it is necessary to rest, and especially necessary to stay away from my laptop if you are going to vomit.
I was not feeling well this week and the flu came to a head for me on Friday. I had the full blown flu. I slept all day and night, well while I wasn’t praising the porcelain goddess.
This morning I was awoken by Adam coming into my room and asking – “Mommy I vomited, can we go eat breakfast?”
Well no we can not eat breakfast. You just vomited. So I crawl out of bed and change his sheets and set up our handy vomit bucket beside his bed. The next hour was spent arguing with Adam about resting and eating. He argued that he was perfectly fine, I said it was very important for him to rest. Finally I caved and said we could get dressed and go downstairs to have some dry toast and ginger ale. (My stomach is better but not quite taking food well.)
He got dressed and got to the bottom of the stairs and then vomited all over my rugs at the front door. He ran to the bathroom and finished his business but insisted he was better.
I had already done one load of laundry even before I brushed my teeth, what the heck, lets do another one.
I sit here in his room trying to get him to rest, and eat some dry toast. He is bouncing off the bed, off his footstool and he seems fine. At least until he vomits again.
This is really the LAST THING I need today.
I feel like I am on the verge of a Mommy Freak Out. I’ve been working A LOT. I knew I would be but I’m exhausted. Plus I’m behind on EVERYTHING! The laundry is piled high, the carpets are like walking through a field full of land mines, covered in spots I have to steam clean because it’s like the cats have had the flu too. Oh and Adam added to the lovely mess as he vomited a few times between his room and my room. The dishes are two sinks piled full. Toys and stuff everywhere, the floors haven’t been cleaned in at least 2 weeks. Then on top of that I have tax returns, bookkeeping and photo editing to try and accomplish.
There will be comments that follow that will give advice that I need to slow down and relax, I need to stop doing so much. But these are the things that I must do to work towards a better life and better career. Hard work is what it takes to get places in life. This is what I must do to ensure that Adam doesn’t have to go into daycare and that I can spend summer vacations with him.
My sacrifices are great but my rewards are greater.
I know all of this in my head but every Mommy is allowed a few Mommy Freak Outs once in a while.
As one of my bosses said and it makes me laugh, there is NO CRYING IN MARCH, ONLY WHINING. SAVE CRYING FOR APRIL.
I am wondering if I should truly be scared for the month of April. I think its going to be a doozy.